Jean Gorin

Jean Gorin

Exhibitions included:

1928, Lille: Neoplastic work with the STUCA group
1929–*1930: Exhibition with the Cercle et Carré group created by Michel Seuphor and Torrès-Garcia.
1930, Nantes: with the L’Etrave artistic group
1931, Paris: Display of his first relief in an exhibition of Groupe *1940
1945, Paris: Exposition Art concret, Galerie René Drouin.
1946: Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, of which he was secretary
1948, New York: Exposition of abstract constructive art
1957, Paris: 50 years of abstract paintings organized by the Creuze gallery. 
First one-man show at the Galerie Colette Allendy
1958, Saint-Étienne: The first generations of abstract art
1960, Liège: Musée de l’Art Wallon
1965, Nantes: Retrospective at the Musée des Beaux-Arts
1966, Chicago: Exposition at the Kazimir Gallery
1967, Amsterdam: Retrospective at the Stedelijk Museum
1969, Paris: Retrospective at the Centre national d’art contemporain
1974, Paris: Exhibition at the Galerie Denise René
1977, Nantes: Retrospective at the Musée des Beaux-Arts
1977, Paris: Centre Pompidou
1999, Blain: Hommage du mouvement Madi à Gorin, Château de la Groulais
1999, Grenoble: Exposition Jean Gorin

Albert Jean Gorin was born at Saint-Emilien-de-Blain (Loire-Atlantique) December 2, 1899. From 1914-1916 he attended the Ecole des Beaux Arts at Nantes and then from 1919 to 1922, the Académie de la Grande Chaumiere in Paris. Initially influenced by Matisse, Van Gogh, Cezanne and the Expressionist movement he discovered Cubism in 1923 and was particularly impressed by Albert Gleizes’ book Du Cubisme (Paris 1921) After a period painting primarily in a pure Cubist vein, Gorin executed his first abstract painting in 1925 and in 1926 discovered the work of Piet Mondrian. Further development of the Cubist aesthetic resulted in an interest in furniture design and avant-garde architectural applications.

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